Tuesday 18 March 2014

Sound Editing - Ettie Greenwood

Today Natalie and Olivia continued with editing our footage, while I (Ettie) started with the editing of the sound:

After opening up the original track that we wanted to use for our thriller opening, we realised that we had to pay £10 to download the track in order to be able to use it. Therefore we had to look again to find a new track that we didn't have to pay for.

The track that we found was from the website Incompetech and the track is called 'Awkward Meeting'. We liked this track as it builded in crescendo as the track developed, and it sounded 'journey-like' which suited our thriller opening.

However, one of the problems that we did have with the soundtrack was that it was too short: it was only 1:24 and our thriller opening was just over 2 minutes. Therefore we had to edit the track in garge band and overlapped the track to make it loop and start again.

After this we imported the track into our footage and discovered that the track fitted with our footage well -the decrescendos/crescendos were in the correct place-

We will now continue to edit our footage, then import our soundtrack at the end, and tweak it if necessary.

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