Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Shooting Order - Olivia and Ettie

We decided that we would shoot the opening in a different order that it appears in the story board. This is to make filming easier and quicker, but also more convenient for us.

For example, we plan to film both the start of the opening (shots 1 and 2) and the end (shots 29 and 30) together. This is because these shots are all filmed in the same location (inside):

 Then, the shots will be filmed in chronological order as the this is most convenient: we will be taking the same route down to the woods, as the route we will be filming so we can easily film whilst we make our way to the destination.

However depending on the weather we may film the indoor or outdoor shots first. For example if it isn't raining, we should film the outdoor shots first, as the unpredictable English weather could mean that it could rain at any point! Also the indoor lighting may take some time to set up so we could do this whilst we wait for the weather to improve.

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