We will be filming in two different areas so there will be different hazards for both. Both areas will also include the hazarsa for equipment.
Shoes and bags - As we will be filming near the door hazards such as shoes and bags may be left on the floor and could cause us or the actor to trip. To avoid this becoming an incident befor filming make sure that all shoes and bags are places away in an area our actor will not walk through.
Door - Our actor will be opening a door within our sequence, if no one is aware that we are filmong this could result with some one being hurt from the door opening unexpectedly. To stop this happening we can inform all people that are likely to use the door that we are filming and request that they wait, we could also have someone out of sight outside stopping people who may open the door.
furniture - There are two pieces of funiture located at the front door, this is a cabinet and a mirror. We will need to work carefully so as not to bump into thesea objucts. A main concern is the mirror as if that falls and breaks it could cut someone. We will all need to be careful operating around these objects and not have are actor work too much around these items.
Shoes and bags - As we will be filming near the door hazards such as shoes and bags may be left on the floor and could cause us or the actor to trip. To avoid this becoming an incident befor filming make sure that all shoes and bags are places away in an area our actor will not walk through.
Door - Our actor will be opening a door within our sequence, if no one is aware that we are filmong this could result with some one being hurt from the door opening unexpectedly. To stop this happening we can inform all people that are likely to use the door that we are filming and request that they wait, we could also have someone out of sight outside stopping people who may open the door.
furniture - There are two pieces of funiture located at the front door, this is a cabinet and a mirror. We will need to work carefully so as not to bump into thesea objucts. A main concern is the mirror as if that falls and breaks it could cut someone. We will all need to be careful operating around these objects and not have are actor work too much around these items.
Vehicles - We will be filming near and maybe on roads, this will mean that cars and other vehicles will be drivin down these roads. We will need to have someone on look at to alert us for any vehixles that may be approching so not to be hit.
Sticks/stones/curd - While out doors other tripping hazards will appear. This is such as sticks and stones in the woods can be dangerous whem not noticed. Thia principle is the same for curds as we will having out actor walk of a curb they could fall. To ensure this not to happen we will all need to act carfully amd remove any objucts that maybe in the actors way.
Leaves/acorn -
Animals/People - When working in the woods owners will be walking their dogs as well there being wild animals such as bird. We will need to take care in not disturbing or upsetting them as some animals could become dangerous such as fox's. We will also need to be careful of other people so that they don't trip over the equipment we have set up.
Vehicles - We will be filming near and maybe on roads, this will mean that cars and other vehicles will be drivin down these roads. We will need to have someone on look at to alert us for any vehixles that may be approching so not to be hit.
Sticks/stones/curd - While out doors other tripping hazards will appear. This is such as sticks and stones in the woods can be dangerous whem not noticed. Thia principle is the same for curds as we will having out actor walk of a curb they could fall. To ensure this not to happen we will all need to act carfully amd remove any objucts that maybe in the actors way.
Leaves/acorn -
Animals/People - When working in the woods owners will be walking their dogs as well there being wild animals such as bird. We will need to take care in not disturbing or upsetting them as some animals could become dangerous such as fox's. We will also need to be careful of other people so that they don't trip over the equipment we have set up.
Weather - Filming in the woods and field is where potential raining and is muddy as such the weather has been, the grass could be wet and therefore when the actor runs or walking could slip or fall.
Tripod - This could be tripping on the tripods legs and falling over. We will need to keep sand bags on the bottom of the tripod to keep it stabilised and also to keep it out of busy areas where other could trip.
Lighting - The same as the tripping hazard for the tripod this is the same for lighting. As well as the lighting being a tripping hazard we are going to need to be carful of the lighting becoming too hot and burn ourselves. To stop this we will need to bring gloves with us to protect our hands.
Flooring - As we will be filming on different grounds we will need to be careful of the surface. The surfaces such as concert will be stable ground and wont cause us to trip or make the tripod unstable but carpet and grass will cause the tripod to be unstable so sand bags will be need to keep the stable.
Tripod - This could be tripping on the tripods legs and falling over. We will need to keep sand bags on the bottom of the tripod to keep it stabilised and also to keep it out of busy areas where other could trip.
Lighting - The same as the tripping hazard for the tripod this is the same for lighting. As well as the lighting being a tripping hazard we are going to need to be carful of the lighting becoming too hot and burn ourselves. To stop this we will need to bring gloves with us to protect our hands.
Flooring - As we will be filming on different grounds we will need to be careful of the surface. The surfaces such as concert will be stable ground and wont cause us to trip or make the tripod unstable but carpet and grass will cause the tripod to be unstable so sand bags will be need to keep the stable.
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