Friday, 14 February 2014

Script - Olivia Farren

In the opening of our thriller, there will be as little dialogue as possible so the viewers are focused on what is happening and what they are seeing. The less there is said in the opening of our thriller means that the viewers don't know what is going on or what is going to happen, creating a sense of mystery as the viewers don't entirely know what's going on.
However, we are including a tiny bit of dialogue when the girl calls her dog's name when she wants him to move away from something, we needed to include this as she is a dog owner she would want to call her dog away from something.
For our thriller opening, the dog's name will stay it's actual name, Dylan, this is so that there is no confusion for the dog therefore the dog is easier to control during filming.
As well as the calling of the dog's name will make the situation seem real, the tone of the girl's voice as she is doing so will mean that the audience will have a sense of her emotions through the way she is speaking.

In shot 22 there will be the first part of our dialogue.

Girl: "Dylan!"

(she will call the dog in a normal tone that is used to call dogs)

In shot 28, there will be our second and final bit of dialogue in our thriller opening.

Girl: "DYLAN!"

(here, the girl will be almost screaming at her dog to get away as she's in shock, there will be a slight tremble in her voice as well which tells the audience of her sudden fear)

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