Tuesday 11 February 2014

Today's lesson (11/2/14)

Today we split up the tasks to do in order to get the most achieved in the lesson.

I (Ettie) Drew the storyboard as I had finished my the research tasks that i had been assigned. 

Natalie worked on her research tasks, and mostly on the lighting techniques post. 

And Olivia worked on the script post and other research tasks. 

Here are some photos of us at work: 

I think it is important to split up roles to assign to individuals because it keeps everyone busy and we are able to finish more stuff in a shorter space of time. Especially as the research deadline is 14th February! 

Next lesson we plan to all do the animatics of the storyboard together as we all need to film/ narrate in this. Meanwhile we plan to work at home on the research tasks that we ave been individually appointed so we do not fall behind time. 

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