Tuesday 25 February 2014

Filming Date - Natalie Sergeant

We where all discussing  a date and time for use to do our filming. Factors that we need to take into consideration was that both Ettie and Olivia have a job and they might have to ask to take time of work. We had original discussed that we would start filming after half term. After returning the discussion started again to where we all felt that the first week back was not convenient for all of us due to jobs. We then discussed  some time between the 3rd to the 8th due to being able to get time of work and able to get the actor at the timing needed without bothering their scheduled of still being in school. The selected date being:

5th Wednesday March

Though due to unavoidable circumstance I will be unable to go to the filming date as will be in Liverpool form the 1st to the 8th due to having university interviews and will be unable to come back for the filming date. Thought to even the work and make it fair we have decided that Olivia and Ettie will do the filming but I will do the editing so that the work is evenly distributed to all members of the group.

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