Sunday, 30 March 2014

Creating the film titles - Ettie Greenwood

Today after our lesson, Me (Ettie) and Natalie decided to update our titles in the thriller film. We decided to do this because we felt that the titles we had already were to plain, and after the lesson on titling and further analysis we felt that we now had the ideas and skills to create a more interesting title sequence.

Firstly we found a video displaying all the different title edits possible on our editing software (Final Cut Pro). Here the video:

We watched through them all and decided that we liked the edit called 'Feature' the best (starts at 01:14 on the video). In this effect the letters are ellipted and fade in gradually and at different times to give a more interesting look to the title sequence. We felt that this effect fitted well with our thriller, as one of the main features in our plot line is the girl revealing information about her parents death, hence the letters revealing gradually to show the whole word.

After we had sorted out our title edit, we decided on what transitions to use to reveal the title sequence. As the background of the title sequence was black, we felt that the effect on Final Cut Pro: Fade in fade out would be suitable and that the ending transition could be the effect: Cross dissolve. We chose these transitions instead of using cuts as it helped to show location changing and it was a more subtle movement (there is not much tension at this part of the thriller). This is also why we chose to place our titles here - apart from the end title- as the importance of the plot here is more limited.

Here are some screenshots of our titling:

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