Tuesday 17 December 2013

Match on Action - Natalie Sergeant

Match on Action is a editing technique, when a cut is made in the middle of a movement within a sequence, the movement must be kept continuous through out the next cut to match the rest of the sequence. This is so not to confuse the viewer and then disturb the flow of a sequence due to the change.

Match on Action doesn't always have to be two shots connected in the same place it can be from someone walking from one room to the next, a to keep this continuous is by keeping clothing and any accessories the same, this is the same with sounds that the can continuously moving from one shot to the next instead of just stopping.

His Girl Friday

Here is an example of match on action within the movie His Girl Friday filmed in 1940 by Howard Hawks. The cut changes the shot from a medium close up to a long shot. The female and male character is the main match on action within this sequence. The cut carries on form when both characters are starting to get ready to stand up, the continuous of the shot is that he is still holding the bar in both shots and that her hands are moving to her lap. Though the match on Action isn't precise with her hand the rest keeps a continuous flow of them leaning up.

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